Sunset Side Inspections offers high-quality, professional home inspection services


Sunset Side Inspections offers high-quality, professional home inspection services


Post Hurricane And Storm Event Inspections


Post-hurricane and storm inspections aim to assess the general damage caused by significant weather events.

Our licensed and certified inspectors will visually evaluate the condition of key areas, including the structure, electrical systems, plumbing, roofing, appliances, and attics. Given that moisture intrusion is a leading cause of damage, special attention will be given to identifying any signs of moisture intrusion or active leaks during the inspection.

We utilize specialized equipment, such as infrared scanners and moisture meters, to ensure a thorough assessment. Detailed photos and descriptions will accompany any findings, along with recommendations for further evaluation by specialized professionals when necessary.

We strongly encourage anyone affected by a storm to contact their insurance company regarding potential claims and to inquire about documentation requirements before undertaking any damage mitigation.

Additionally, we recommend reviewing local government and FEMA websites for guidelines on natural disaster response and post-event procedures that may impact homeowners.

A Post-Hurricane/Storm Inspection will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the damage your property may have sustained.

Sunset Side Inspections will offer recommendations and outline next steps to help you mitigate your losses and restore your property to its pre-event condition. For instance, if roof damage is identified, we advise consulting a licensed roofing contractor, and similar recommendations will be made for other findings.

At Sunset Side Inspections, we understand that experiencing a major weather event can be traumatic and distressing. As fellow community members, we are here to support you in the rebuilding process by providing clarity on the damage assessment. Let us assist you in starting the cleanup and recovery journey.